+420 777 469 530 | info@j-vet.cz | Jičínská 47, Praha 3



Veterinary clinic Jičínská 47 is here for you and yours pets friends. In the section contacts, you can find every important number and possibility through which you can reach us.
We emphasize to the friendly and professional approch, as well as educate and innovate instrumentation. Most of examination, we are able to do in our clinic.
Also, you can hospitalized your pets in our clinic. We are offer to you alternative medicinal technic – eg. nature medicine and a holistic approach to the patient. We treat dogs and cats with stem cells at unbeatable prices. We also organize trips to the clients home. We piecing diets for patients directly to mesuary. For cancer patients, we put together at the workplace chemotherapy protocols. We work with specialists and top laboratories.

Complete care

7 days a week

The latest treatments

Fair and sensitive approach

HomeVet (Vet on Call) service

Nutrition and pet sitting service

Stem cells therapy


We use facebook to keep in touch with our valuable clients. You can find there the latest news from clinics, including changes in opening hours during holidays. We also share interesting articles for pet owners, such as nutrition and raising tips, latest medical remarkablenesses. We will be very happy if you follow us on facebook.

Our team



We love working with animals and treating our clients. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us even with the slightest problem, we will be glad to take care of you. We look forward to you!


Na veterinární klinice Jičínská 47, Praha 3 ošetřujeme všechny mazlíčky, jako by byly naši vlastní.
MVDr. Marta Kvasňovská Koudelková, majitelka veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor, clinic owner

MVDr. Marta Kvasňovská Koudelková

Focus on: General veterinary doctor with 7 years experience in veterinary medicine for dogs and cats, specializing in nutritional counseling dogs and cats and compiling diets, therapy using stem cells.

MVDr. Diana Halaszová, hostující veterinární lékařka veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Diana Halászová

Experienced veterinary doctor, owner and leading doctor at Centralvet clinic.

MVDr. Ivan Gabal, veterinární lékař veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Ivan Gabaľ

Experienced general veterinary doctor. Ensures for our clinic trips to the patients home.

MVDr. Eva Třešňáková, veterinární lékařka veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Eva Třešňáková

Focus on: General veterinary doctor with 5 years of experience, specializing in endocrinology in dogs and cats.

MVDr. Natália Mazúrová, veterinární lékařka veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Natália Mazúrová

Experienced emergency doctor.

MVDr. Zuzana Haasová, veterinární lékařka veterinární kliniky Jičínská 47, Praha 3
Veterinary doctor

MVDr. Zuzana Haasová

General veterinary doctor with 5 years experience. Focused on internal diseases of dogs and cats, works in science and research.

Our services



We know that you simply want the best for your animal friend. We will always do our best to be your lifetime veterinary partner. We have both experienced team and professional equipment to treat your pet according to latest industry knowledge. 

We emphasize to the friendly and professional approch, as well as educate and innovate instrumentation. Most of examination, we are able to do in our clinic. Also, you can hospitalized your pets in our clinic.

We are offer to you alternative medicinal technic – eg. nature medicine and a holistic approach to the patient. We treat dogs and cats with stem cells at unbeatable prices. We also organize trips to the clients home. We piecing diets for patients directly to mesuary. For cancer patients, we put together at the workplace chemotherapy protocols. We work with specialists and top laboratories.

advisory and consulting services

preventive care

vaccination of dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits

chipped dogs, cats and other animals, according to the applicable ISO standards

International exposure Europass for dogs, cats, ferrets

shortening claws, teeth, beaks

vaccinations and deworming

cleaning ears

preventive preoperative blood tests

treatment of anal glands

examination of the animals that wounded human

examination of the animals before the show, competitions and trips abroad

nutritional counseling, diet preparation for healthy and sick patients to their measure (Dr. Koudelková)

The program for screening blood

complete biochemical and hematological blood tests

serological blood tests for diseases transmitted by ticks and biting insects (Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and dirofilariasis)

serological blood test for infectious diseases in cats (FIV, FeLV, FIP)

tests for T4 (thyroid - hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism dogs, cats), cortisol (Cushing's Syndrome)

geriatric patient test- early diagnosis of kidney disease in the 1st and 2nd stage before the development of azotemia in the blood using the ratio of protein and urine creatinine

in patients with recurrent diarrhea - serological determination CPL (specific pancreatic. lipase) with 93% sensitivity to detect pancreatic diseases

Therapeutic and diagnostic health care

Dermatology (microscopic diagnosis of skin scrapings, diagnosis of inflammation of the skin, parasites, treatment of atopy, imprinting preparations, mycological cultivation, cytology and histopathology)

dentistry (removal of tartar with ultrasound, tooth extraction)

Gynecology and Obstetrics (ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis, monitoring pregnancy and antenatal care consultations, labor management, termination of unwanted pregnancy, vaginal cytology, determining the levels of progesterone and estrogen, birth and postnatal care and the patient's home, pyometra surgery, etc.)

urology (ultrasound of the urinary system, urine treatment of disease. organs, prevention and treatment of urinary stones - urine test application of stem cells in cats with chronic renal failure)

Endocrinology (diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, adrenal gland)

X-ray - for suspected fractures, diseases of the thoracic and abdominal cavities

sonographic examination - abdominal cavity (liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, bladder), thoracic cavity (the presence of effusion etc.). We investigate the compact ultrasound device with high-end touchscreen SonoScape S20.

Cytology - examination of swabs from the ear, skin formations (resolution of tumor and non-tumor etiology), effusion in the abdomen and chest cavity, vaginal cytology, examination of uric, sediment, blood smears on suspicion of blood parasites and cancer of the blood). Since October 2015, we use a completely new microscope Euromex for the best resolution.

Cancer diagnosis and therapy. Chemotherapeutic protocols write for us oncology specialist MVDr. Mgr. Kateřina Horáčková

gastroenterology (diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines)

Diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases (in cooperation with specialists MVDr. Fiala and MVDr. Alex)

Diagnosis of heart disease

donations and blood tests (complete blood count and its interpretation)

Sampling and examination of bone marrow (Mvdr. Koudelková)

Stem cell treatments

Surgical health care

sedation and anesthesia (local, total)

pain relief

soft tissue surgery (castration, cesarean section, gastric torsion, enterotomy, enterektomie, exploratory laparotomy hernias (umbilical, inguinal, perineal), operational solutions neoplasms, acute conditions, injuries, plastic surgery, tumor removal dairy bar, etc.).

Eye Surgery (ectropion, entropion, sculpture third eyelid, treatment of erosion and ulceration of the cornea - Flap, patency of tear ducts, enucleation, evisceration of the globe, exenteration of the orbit)

Ear surgery (ablation of the ear canal, ear canal resection, othematomy (?))

Acute medicine

investigation in the collapse, poisonings, injuries, epileptic seizures and other life-threatening conditions




Every day we wake up and go to sleep thinking about veterinary and our patients. Veterinary is not just a job, it is more than that, it´s our life mission. If you were satisfied or if you think we could have done better, please let us know, personally, by telephone or email. Your feedback helps us to improve our services. We strive to be the best! It´s not about one-time earnings, it´s about lifetime relationship.

Dobrý den, paní doktorko, nevím, jak jste to udělala, ale máme doma veselého psa, který skáče po schodech jako koník :-)). Nechtěla byste vykultivovat kmenové buňky i pro mě?


Chtěl velmi srdečně poděkovat za návštěvu Vaší zástupkyně. Byla velmi profesionální, zdvořilá a ochotná, a vysvětlila mi všechny mé pochybnosti o zdravotním stavu psa. Je to velmi profesionální člověk a bylo mi potěšením vědět, že usiluje o mojeho nemocného psa. Budu vždycky navštěvovat Vaši kliniku v rámci poděkování a vděčnosti za podporu a její návštěvu. Přeji krásný den!


Chtěla bych poděkovat paní doktorce, která měla služby v neděli, za rychlé ošetření našeho kocourka, který měl křeče a byl nezvladatelný z důvodu neurologických potíží, jak p. doktorka správně odhadla a později se potvrdilo. Doporučila nás na kliniku, kde byl 4 dny. Dnes už je doma užívá léky na epilepsii a pomalu se dává do klidu. Přeji hodně úspěchu a radosti.


I am relocating from the United States and had been searching for a Veterinary Clinic that could not only ubderstand english, but also understand my pets. I found this great place, and they were not only very easy to work with, but very skilled in their knowledge and practice, and available even in odd hours. This took away one of my main concerns about what to do if my dog becomes ill and was not sure where to go….this is the place, and worth a visit even if not close by, as it is easy to find.


Maximální spokojenost, všichni veterináři jsou úžasní.


S touto klinikou jsem velice spokojena. Pracují zde milí a příjemní lidé, kteří umějí vyjít vstříc mým požadavkům.


Právě zde sedím již po druhé po pár letech u kotce svého pejska,který je opět na kapačkách a kterého nám stejně jako minule velmi ochotný a pečlivý personál pomáhá zachraňovat.Budeme doufat,že i tentokrát úspěšně.Díky


Tento víkend jsem byla na této klinice poprvé, když mi moje kočička s FUS přestala čurat a náš vet už v ordinaci nebyl. (…) Prostředí velmi příjemné, péče vynikající, vstřícnost, milá paní doktorka i sestřičky…Moje kočinka, která byla u předchozího veterináře téměř neošetřitelná, byla úplně v pohodě, po výkonu žádné dramatické probouzení z narkózy ani zvracení. Mimochodem ani ceny nejsou nějak závratné, dokonce nás to přišlo levněji než v předchozí ordinaci, ačkoliv byla sobota večer. Byla jsem velmi spokojená a jinam už nechci ani kdybych měla jezdit přes celou Prahu. Doporučuji.




The clinic is located at Jičínská 47, Praha 3. We are near metro station Flóra and Olšanské náměstí square. You can conveniently reach us both by public transportion and by car. A parking place is available for our clients.

Mo – Fri: 8 – 12, 15 – 22
Sa – Su: 11 – 22

From 20 to 22h we provide emergency service reserved for treating acute conditions (injury, childbirth, bleeding, life-threatening conditions of the animal). At this time we are available on phone with 15 min arrival time to the clinics. We charge emergency surcharge of 400 CZK.

We will be happy to visit your pet at your home. Please make an appointment via www.homevet.cz.


Jičínská 47, Praha 3
(near Flóra and Olšanské nám. square)


+420 777 469 530

